Two weeks ago, we looked at understanding: What the Bible said about understanding, what it means to possess it and also what happens to those who lack understanding.
This week, let’s take a look at 2 more keys we can utilize to cultivate understanding in our lives. This is of vital importance, because how we act and how we respond to life’s circumstances is based on our understanding, or lack thereof.
How we make money.
How we spend money.
What we prioritize.
How disciplined we are in all areas of life.
The books we read, the movies we watch, the music we listen to.
The way I react to disappointment and failure.
How I respond to success.
What percentage of responsibility I assume for my current state in life. Do I blame other people and/or events?
How I raise my kids is based on what I do or don’t understand.
How I navigate relationships.
The way I view other people and the world.
How I respond to difficult people.
All, absolutely all of this, is based upon our understanding.
Are you getting an idea of how important it is to develop understanding? It’s huge. It’s everything.
So, how do we cultivate understanding?
Key #1 of two weeks ago was: Know God. Know His Word.
Key #2:
- Expand your knowledge.
Start reading and/or listening to books that will challenge your mind. Do you have an interest in a specific category? Start with that! People who seek understanding are people that are constantly reading and learning new things.
“I’m not a reader,” You might say. “I don’t have time to read.”
Oh come on. That’s an excuse and you know it. If you honestly don’t like to read, then use your ears to read! Listen to books on a Library app or Audible.
You want understanding? You have got to start reading books that stimulate your thinking.
Read, read, read.
Learn, learn, learn. There are thousands of great YouTube channels that cover a million different topics. You ever wonder how sand dollars eat? Or which country started drinking coffee first? Have you ever wondered why the purity of gold is measured by karats? What even is a karat and where did that name come from? And why 24 karats? Why not 100?
Pretty much every time I come across something I don’t know (which is frequent) I look it up and find the answer to my question. Smart phones people, smart phones! Use them well. =)
Expand your knowledge. Read. Learn new things. Develop your mind.
Key #3:
- Broaden your experience.
Get out of your comfort zone and try new things. Learn how to do double-unders with a jump rope. (my current struggle!) Visit a new country. Befriend someone who has just arrived in the area. Volunteer in your local Soup Kitchen or Homeless Shelter. Build an RC airplane. Create an aquaponics garden. Join an outreach ministry somewhere.
There are a million things just waiting for you to experience them!
Get out there and broaden your experience.
Do something you’ve never done before.
Get uncomfortable!
In conclusion, always remember:
“Your actions can be no wiser than your thoughts.
-The Richest Man in Babylon
Your thinking can be no wiser than your understanding.”
Let us become people who pursue understanding.
- Know God and His Word.
- Expand your knowledge. Read.
- Broaden your experiences.
I want to hear from you guys.
What are things you’ve done to cultivate understanding?
What do you do now?
I’m always looking for great ideas and noteworthy books to read!