Jesus tells a story about the Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew 25 of 3 people who were given money to invest. The first person was given 5 talents, the 2nd person had 3 talents to care for and the last person was trusted with 1 talent.
Note: a talent is equal to ‘about 20 years of a day laborer’s wage’. In today’s economy, if you assume that a day laborer makes about $20,000/year, then 1 talent was worth $400,000. Five talents would then be the equivalent of $2 million today. Don’t think that these guys were just handed some pocket cash – this is a fortune that they’ve been asked to invest!
Persons 1 and 2 immediately went and invested the money. They turned a profit and doubled what had been entrusted to them. Person 3 decided to sit on this money and do nothing with it rather than risk a poor investment or lose it altogether. He actually wrapped it up and buried it.
Sometime later, these 3 individuals were called forth to give account of their investments. Persons 1 and 2 were congratulated for their astute performance in doubling the money. Person 3 flatly stated that he saw no value in investing the money, but brought it back just as it had been given to him. This servant was then banished to perpetual punishment, Jesus said.
He concludes this story by saying: “To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given and they will have an abundance. But for those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.” Matt. 25:29
The message is clear. Those who invest what they have, will experience an abundance.
Those who float along, let life happen and don’t invest what they have, even what little they have will be taken away.
This principle gets me so excited! Each one of us has been gifted with talents. The talents I’m thinking of are more than just money; they’re also known as strengths, ability, a natural gifting, or a certain affinity for a particular task. Music, public speaking, communication, leadership, detail oriented, art, maybe you’re a genius at brainstorming… it’s a long list folks. There are multiple things each of us has been gifted with.
What is it that you need to invest? What have you been given and are you doubling the profits for the Kingdom?
- Time. How do you spend your time? Make a time block of your week and figure out exactly how much time you invest in every area of your week. How many hours of sleep, eating, exercise, reading, TV/Movies, travel, house chores, etc. Figure out if and how you’re wasting time. Make adjustments if needed. Invest your time wisely.
- Words. Do you invest in others through words of affirmation and encouragement?
- Yourself. How can you improve the lives of others with the gifts and unique perspective you bring? How can you change the world for someone?
The world needs you. Your personality, your voice, your gifts, your insight. How can you give this? How can you invest what God has given you?
Don’t be like Person #3 in Jesus’ story. This servant was afraid to step out and take a risk. He was condemned not for failing to reach the 5-talent goal; he was condemned because he did nothing with what he was given.
Ask yourself “In what area have I been afraid to step out in? Am I a good steward of the talents God has given me?” If you are unsure of the talents you possess, ask others what they see in you. Try some new things and work on becoming a wise investor!
Let’s be people of purpose. Figure out what it is that you’re good at; what it is that you are passionate about. Live intentionally. Every single daily choice that is made, let it be with the intent of using well what has been given, [so that] you may have an abundance. Who doesn’t want a life of abundance? I certainly do!
“To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.”
Matthew 25:29
Get out there and invest those talents God has entrusted to you. You’ve got talent!