What If… We Have it All Wrong?

What if the way we view a lot of things is actually wrong?
What if society has got it turned upside-down?
What if, -and this is a serious question- we are believing a lie?

This all stems from the perspective of what constitutes success.

Society often dictates to a large degree, what we view as success. Even as believers – subconsciously, if not outright.

Success may look like:
a large following
millions of ‘likes or shares’
fame, public acknowledgement
one’s name on a book, brand or building
a title or degree, the letters behind a name
significant possessions or a large bank account
the ability or platform to influence others
To some, success may be equated with:
raising children who follow the way of their parents – do as I do
attend church every Sunday
involvement in ministry
serving God in a foreign country
hold a position of leadership in some organization
perfect grades in school
a steady job

The list is endless and I think that for many of us, we aren’t so superficial as to say “This list is the essence of success.”
Success is much bigger, deeper and more relevant than all of that.

We already know that there is only one standard by which we will be judged in the end: God’s standard which has been established from the beginning.

…He comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world with righteousness and the people with his truth.

Psalm 96:13 KJV

Material accomplishments and possessions are doomed to remain on the earth.
So what is actually important?
What is the definition of success by God’s standard?

Look at nature: God has created incomprehensible variety in the sky, the forests, deserts and oceans as well as in the plant and animal kingdoms. All things living pulse with life, creativity and specific purpose.

Same with humankind. The variety we see in humanity is beautifully astonishing.
Why then do we use such a narrow standard in defining success?
What if a child with a disability (disability is not a word in God’s language – I only use it here because human language is inept) is shouting the praise of God?
What if someone’s dysfunction, deficit (again, words not in God’s language) and divergent thinking are actually purposeful and specifically designed to accomplish something huge for God?

I’ve wrestled for years with the whole dysfunctional, disability question. I have a son with cerebral palsy and a daughter with ADHD/ADD. I’ve been forced to rethink what success is. If success is different for each individual, then why is the world’s standard so very limiting? Why do I subconsciously adopt those same standards?

What if success is simple existence?
What if it looks like wasted talent?
What if the purpose of my child is to create music and art?

Who am I to say what goes and what doesn’t?
What if, just what if we have it all wrong?

I don’t pretend to have the answer to that question because I’m still working it out in my daily life. I ask myself: “What message is becoming the inner voice of my children?”
Above all, I wish for my children to know that they are deeply loved, valued and accepted for exactly who they are.
Even if it falls outside ‘the norm’ as we so call it.