A portion of Zacchary Zuccaro’s poem that I shared in the previous article has been lodged in my mind since:
Many people believe they possess wisdom,
yet they do not seek it.
Many covet love, and wish it for themselves,
yet are reluctant to give it,
sharing it only with close friends and family.
Wisdom and love are the food of the soul
yet people stuff their souls with hatred and ignorance,
and while their bodies live healthy and well,
souls suffer and starve.
– – – – –
Often, people feel they deserve kindness and respect from others yet are unwilling to be the first to grant it.
People expect forgiveness from others yet withhold it for wrongs done to themselves.
We want love and relationships of trust, while at the same time refusing to be vulnerable and trustworthy ourselves.
Human nature tends toward this – holding a higher standard for others than for ourselves. We expect more from those around us, often more than we ourselves are willing to give.
The world remains largely unchanged since the days when Jesus walked on earth. His kingdom gospel is revolutionary because it turned this concept of expectations upside-down.
Jesus told the people:
“Give more than is expected.
Bless the people who speak ill of you.
When someone insults you, let it go.
Perform deeds of kindness without anyone knowing about it.
Show acceptance and grace to those who are hard to love.
Forgive people who have wronged you. Doing so, opens the door for your Heavenly Father to forgive you.
The measure you use to bless or curse, extend grace or cling to bitterness, is the same measure that the heavenly Father will use for you. If you are generous, He is generous toward you. If you are stingy, He is stingy toward you.”
Jesus is clear: “The standard one uses to judge others, is the same measure that is used on the one judging.”
Think of measurement in terms of a teaspoon vs. a shovel:
Heap generous loads of grace and forgiveness on others; your heavenly Father will be exceeding generous toward you.
Dole out a teaspoon of grace on some recipient you deem worthy of it here and there, and you will find the heavenly Father unable to bless you, prosper you or guide you.
Unforgiveness binds the soul. Forgiveness releases it.
May we be known as people who are generous in grace. Lavish in love. Free with forgiveness.