The Futility of Adhering to Conspiracy Theories: Part III

“How does this knowledge of the Cabal, the Illuminati, the Jesuit order, Rothschild family, and One World Government benefit me today or tomorrow?”
“So that I know what to expect for the future and plan accordingly.”

How can you plan for a future that you know naught of? The only true idea that we might have regarding the future is that we cannot comprehend it.

It is going to be technological warfare: AI, smart robots, superhumans and chemical warfare you only see in Sci-fi movies right now. What you see in Sci-fi may be the reality of the future.
Chemical warfare, 1/3 of the earth being obliterated by an atomic bomb.
This earth turned into a dead wasteland due to some chemical released into the atmosphere.
Acid rain. Chemicals that don’t harm people, but kill everything green. Chemicals that don’t affect the flora and fauna, but cause cancerous sores to develop on every living being. (Revelations)
Marauding bands of armed looters. How do you plan for that? I don’t just mean one or two bands of armed looters, but hundreds of people, mobs scouring the countryside for any one not in adherence with the new order.

We cannot efficiently plan for survival if we do not even know how survival will look. Will clean drinking water be the issue? What about food? How about the quality of the air? I believe it will look completely different than what we may try to imagine. And, since we don’t know what we may face in the future, what good is planning?

Jesus tells us:

“Don’t worry about the future; what you will eat or drink or what you will wear. Because my Father in heaven already knows all your needs. And how will being anxious about this stuff add one day to your existence? Don’t borrow the trouble of the future. It will come in its own good time! Meanwhile, do not be anxious about your survival.”

Matthew 6

Think of the world in Noah’s day: there had never been rain. The people had no concept of rain, floods or geysers of water. There was zero comprehension in even preparing for a flood. Preparation of any sort other than the ark would have been irrelevant anyway.
The world as they knew it was about to completely change, and they weren’t gonna make it unless they entered the ark with Noah.
We know from history, that only 7 people joined Noah in that ark. The remaining population was obliterated.

Think of living in the 17th century. Zero technology. Everything you eat, is grown or raised in the community. Everything you wear is woven and spun, or dried and tanned by your community. You have only ever traveled a few miles from where you were born and raised. You have no comprehension of the greater world.
Now, time travel to the year 2025; imagine being exposed to what to us is normal life. Electricity. Air travel. Bluetooth. Radio. Computers. Robots. X-ray machines. Surgeries performed that have only been possible in the past 25 years. Everything automated. You would think you’d landed in an unreal world.

Now imagine yourself as you are today, time traveling to 2100. You are unable to even imagine this because your brain has no relevance for any of it. The technological advances are beyond your comprehension.

I believe it is futile to try to plan for a future when we don’t know what we might be up against.

So why would I fear the future? Only goodness and tender love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through, I’ll return to your glorious presence to be forever with you.

Psalms 23:6 TPT