The Right Way

Acknowledge the LORD in everything you do, and he will show you the right way.

Proverbs 3:6

Much of our anxiety stems from unanswered questions.
Unanswered questions can ignite worry. Fear. Doubt. Unease.
What if we asked the question, then let it go? Stopped thinking about it, or at least refuse to let the question overshadow the mind? This results in freedom since we are no longer worried about the answer. Yes or no, this way or that way, I’m OK with it!

What if we acknowledged the LORD in every area of life? Does this seem unrealistic and controlling?
It’s not. It is liberating. There is a peace that follows each act of acknowledging the LORD.

Two posts back, I wrote an article titled Acknowledge, Receive Direction, based on Proverbs 3:6. I’ve been practicing this principle of acknowledging God, and this week something pretty awesome happened! Every single time I talk to God about circumstances, plans, our children, relationships, finances, or whatever it is, God gives direction. Sometimes that direction comes quickly, sometimes the answer evolves over a couple weeks, but I am always shown the right way!

Back to this week: There is an out-of-state family event next weekend that Dave & I had originally (a few months past) committed to attend. However, now we are only a week from this event, and stuff just isn’t coming together. We discuss the circumstances, then we acknowledge God in all of this. The details, the event, the cost, and our feelings about the whole thing. True to practice, I hold my hands open in front of myself and say “God, you see all these things. You know all things. We acknowledge you in this situation and ask for direction. Show us the right way to walk. And, we thank you Father for the direction that you are going to give us. In Jesus name, amen.”

In half-hearted jest I state “If one thousand dollars show up in our account next week, we will know what direction to take!” Since finances is a deciding factor here, this seems a sure way to ascertain direction.

This morning while going about starting the day with the kids, I get a phone call from the orthodontist. She is brief and to the point: “We owe you guys a refund on one of your kid’s accounts for some orthodontic work. If you could please confirm the card number, we will refund the amount of $958 immediately. It will show up in your bank account next week.”

Did your jaw just drop?
I got this slow, huge grin spreading across my face. I knew right away that we have received direction. I mean, how crazy is that? People don’t just have nearly $1000 dollars dropped into their accounts! Well, sometimes they do, obviously.

Today, again, I am a believer. A believer in the goodness of God. I believe in his faithfulness. I believe in his truth, his mercy, his direction.

Each day, we must believe. Why? Because he is good. And all his promises hold true.
I hope your faith is strengthened through this testimony.
May our willingness to walk in His direction match our faith in acknowledging Him in all that we do.

Acknowledge the LORD in everything you do, and he will show you the right way.

Proverbs 3:6