Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne.
Psalm 89:14a
For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.
Isaiah 30:18
The Maker of heaven and earth… executes justice for the oppressed, gives food to the hungry, He sets the prisoners free; the LORD opens the eyes of the blind, He lifts those who are bowed down… the way of the wicked He brings to ruin.
Psalm 146
If you were assured of complete justice for a wrong done to you, or wrongs done to those whom you love, how would you live? Would you finally unwrap the cloak of injury and injustice that has enveloped you since the wrong was done?
I do not negate or diminish the injury done; I simply ask “Would you let it go if you were guaranteed justice?”
Many of our hiccups stem from a sense of injustice. We were treated unfairly, abused, taken advantage of, belittled, lied to or pushed away. It may have been a stranger, a parent, a spouse, family member, a boss, a leader, or someone who should have ‘had your back’ but instead you were betrayed.
You are left with a frustrated sense of injustice without the guarantee that reparation will be made. This is infuriating. It is a heavy cloak to wear but you cling to it because you feel justified in wearing it.
In its own way, it is a twisted sense of justice. “Since no one else is going to make this right, I’m going to keep the case open until…” Until what? You die? The person who hurt you dies? Sorry to disappoint, but the truth is the only one who hurts here is you. We have not been granted authority to be judge, jury and witness in our cases of injustice. There is only One who holds that authority.
Look at this list of synonyms:
law, right, truth, amends, compensation, equity, impartiality, reparation, payment, restitution, recompense
These words elicit good feelings, yes? Rightly so because this is who God is. The foundation of his throne is righteousness and justice. His kingdom is established by equity and truth. The very bedrock of who God is, is justice! He is a God who repays and restores. He rights wrongs.
Back to the original question: “If you are certain that reparation will be made, that justice and truth will preside in the case of your injustice, would you strip the coat of injury that you’ve been wearing? Would you let it go?”
Sit with this question. Pit it against the cases of injustice done to you. Lift the cloak, be vulnerable.
Check back in for the next blog post when we dig into the second portion of Psalm 89:14 that states: steadfast love and faithfulness go before Him.
Until we encounter the steadfast love and mercy of this wonderful Father, we are unable to trust Him with our case.
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne.
Psalm 89:14a
For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.
Isaiah 30:18-19