The Futility of Adhering to Conspiracy Theories: Part V

Lastly, let us look at the life of Jesus Christ when he walked the earth.
Jesus was God. Not just a god, but THE God. Lord of Lords. King of Kings. Ruler supreme. Omniscient. Omnipotent. Jesus IS God in human flesh. Since Creator of heaven and earth lived as a man among men, why would we not pattern our lives after his? Jesus Christ is the Way. The Truth. The Light. He is the Door through which NONE can enter the kingdom of Heaven. John 14, John 10:9-16
Jesus is the only Way to the Father. If we would be saved, redeemed, and made righteous, we must follow this man, this King, this Son of God.
How did he live? What example did he live for us to imitate?

Jesus was born and raised in an occupied territory. The cruel Roman machine had conquered the Israelite nation, levied heavy taxes, and murdered thousands of Jews. The Romans scorn the Jewish religion and mock their faith.

Not only is Judea ruled by the Roman militia, but there are other factions within the Jewish nation all fighting for preeminence in this war-torn land.

The Herodians pledge allegiance to king Herod, the puppet Jewish king Rome had installed. They bowed, scraped, and fawned before the Roman lords in exchange for money. They collaborated with the Romans. Such a collaboration would have required a compromised observance of the Mosaic Law. The Herodians were viewed as traitors to Israel by their fellow countrymen.

The Sadducees were the upper-class wealthy men mostly from Jerusalem who made up the Jewish aristocracy. They refused to deviate from the written Torah. They denied the immortality of the soul, and denied the existence of angelic spirits. However, they did not add their own interpretation of said Torah, like the Pharisees did. Sadducees had no problem collaborating with the Romans as long as it lined their coffers with gold.

The Pharisees came from all economic classes but were distinguished by their scrupulous observance of the Mosaic Law and their own interpretation of the law, i.e. ‘the traditions of the fathers’. They vehemently opposed Roman occupation and denounced any who collaborated with the enemy.

Then there are the Zealots. A political movement which sought to incite the people of Judea to rebel against the Roman occupation. They waged guerrilla war against the Romans and those who collaborated with the Romans. They lived by the sword.

Do you find it as interesting as I do, that Jesus did not align himself with any one of these groups? You have all the options right here! The top dogs (Romans), the Jewish elite, the religious, the rebels, and the ones who played both sides. Yet Jesus avoided tagging up with any of them! He came to introduce a new kingdom; a Kingdom that is not of this world. It does not matter what faction you were a part of, what group your family came from or where your political affiliation is cast; Jesus said “He who follows me, must deny himself and take up his cross daily.” Luke 9:23

This is no party Jesus invites us to. It is difficult. Among the many that are called, few are chosen.
Jesus was a friend to any whose heart was turned toward the kingdom of God. He rebukes and resists the proud, but gives grace to any who humble themselves.

It is fascinating to note that Jesus also had friends and/or followers in every class: the Romans, the Herodians, the Sadducees, the Pharisees, the common people, the merchants, the minority groups, the Zealots, and those who were outcasts in society. Jesus extended his love to any whose heart was open to the kingdom of heaven. What a beautiful example for us.

In reading the New Testament dozens of times over the past years, the life patterns of Jesus become increasingly clear to me. What he values most, and how he lived leaves no question in my mind that His way IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Only through this Door, can we gain entry to the kingdom of heaven. Only through imitating him, and following his footsteps do we find Truth.

I believe that in adopting the priorities that Jesus exemplified, we walk in light (revelation) and avoid darkness (deception).
Jesus prioritized relationships, not religion.
Serving others instead of preserving his own life.
Listening to his Father, not pursing his own agenda.

Conspiracy theories are neither right/wrong, yes/no. A better question to ask might be: “Is this worth my time? Will this matter in the light of eternity? Does it help me today? Will it make a difference in the future?”

In conclusion, it is futile to become intimately familiar with various conspiracy theories except for the purpose of enlarging the borders of the mind and/or understanding the thought process of those who do live by the parameters of conspiracy. Even then, put a time limit on your efforts.

Above all, do not let fear rule your mind. Know the One who sits on the throne eternal. You will not be lost or deceived if you know the voice of this true Shepherd.
This Shepherd is the one and only true God. His Word is truth. John 17:17
Become intimately familiar with his Word and his voice.

But he is singular and sovereign.
Who can argue with him?
He does what he wants, when he wants to.
He will complete in detail what he has decided about me, and whatever else he determines to do.

Job 23:13-14 MSG